I like Jamie Oliver's recipe on https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/vegetables-recipes/classic-ratatouille/
As per usual I mix in some additional or different ingredients
What you need
- 2 mid-sized aubergines
- 2 zucchini/courgettes
- 6-8 plum tomatoes or 1-2 canned tomatoes
- 1 carrot
- 1 red onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 red bell pepper
- (optional) 2 green peppers (small long ones - not the pickled ones. I sometimes find them in grocery stores. Not everybody stocks them)
- 1 leek
- olive oil ca 3 tablespoons
- salt, pepper
- paprika powder (1 tea spoon)
- thyme, oregano (fresh or dried)
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- water
- casserole pot, large
- bowl
How you do it
- prepare, i.e. clean all your veggies and peel onions, garlic cloves, carrot, leak
- cut the aubergines into cubes and the zucchini/courgettes into thin slices
- slice and cut leak, onions, peppers, garlic to have them ready
- cut the tomatoes into quarter bits
- put the olive oil in the casserole and heat up
- add the aubergines/zucchini-courgettes to the casserole pot and cook until brown
- lift the veggies out of the pot and put them into a bowl for later use
- top up the olive oil if necessary
- first add the onions and cook until the are about to turn brown. Add the carrots, and cook for a couple of minutes
- then add the peppers, garlic and leek and a teaspoon of paprika powder. Cook for 1-2 minutes
- then add the pre-cooked aubergine/courgette-zucchini and mix, stir the veggies.
- throw in the tomatoes, mix well, cook for ca 1 min.
- add a little water to the ratatouille. It shouldn't be at most half of what's in the pot (the veggies will loose a lot of water!).
- add the dry herbs
- Cook/simmer for ca 30-40min
- season with salt & pepper