Tuesday, 11 August 2020


I like Jamie Oliver's recipe on https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/vegetables-recipes/classic-ratatouille/

As per usual I mix in some additional or different ingredients

What you need

  • 2 mid-sized aubergines
  • 2 zucchini/courgettes
  • 6-8 plum tomatoes or 1-2 canned tomatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • (optional) 2 green peppers (small long ones - not the pickled ones. I sometimes find them in grocery stores. Not everybody stocks them)
  • 1 leek
  • olive oil ca 3 tablespoons
  • salt, pepper
  • paprika powder (1 tea spoon)
  • thyme, oregano (fresh or dried)
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • water


  • casserole pot, large
  • bowl

How you do it

  • prepare, i.e. clean all your veggies and peel onions, garlic cloves, carrot, leak
  • cut the aubergines into cubes and the zucchini/courgettes into thin slices
  • slice and cut leak, onions, peppers, garlic to have them ready
  • cut the tomatoes into quarter bits
  • put the olive oil in the casserole and heat up
  • add the aubergines/zucchini-courgettes to the casserole pot and cook until brown
  • lift the veggies out of the pot and put them into a bowl for later use
  • top up the olive oil if necessary
  • first add the onions and cook until the are about to turn brown. Add the carrots, and cook for a couple of minutes
  • then add the peppers, garlic and leek and a teaspoon of paprika powder. Cook for 1-2 minutes
  • then add the pre-cooked aubergine/courgette-zucchini and mix, stir the veggies.
  • throw in the tomatoes, mix well, cook for ca 1 min.
  • add a little water to the ratatouille. It shouldn't be at most half of what's in the pot (the veggies will loose a lot of water!). 
  • add the dry herbs
  • Cook/simmer for ca 30-40min
  • season with salt & pepper

Saturday, 16 May 2020

La brioche sablée

From Le Monde
  • 290 g de farine de gruau (T45 ou T55)
  • 145 g de beurre, froid, coupé en cubes
  • 45 g de sucre
  • 9 g de sel fin
  • 4,7 g de levure instantanée (de préférence osmotolérante, soit une levure pâtissière qui supporte le sucre)
  • 120 g d’œufs entiers, froids
  • 65 g de lait entier froid.

La préparation

Mélanger la farine, le beurre, le sucre, le sel et la levure dans la cuve d’un robot. Mixer jusqu’à obtenir un mélange semblable à de la semoule très grossière. Ajouter les œufs et le lait. Mixer pour obtenir un mélange homogène. Transférer la pâte dans un récipient huilé et couvrir avec un linge, couvercle ou film alimentaire. Laisser la pâte pointer pendant 2 h 30, couverte, à 21 °C, en rabattant 5 rabats, 1 fois juste après le pétrissage puis toutes les 30 minutes. Pour donner un rabat, tirer chaque coin de la pâte et le replier sur le côté opposé. Laisser reposer 30 minutes après le dernier rabat. Bien couvrir la pâte et réfrigérer pendant 12 à 14 heures.
Graisser un moule antiadhésif de 25 cm × 10-12 cm. Diviser la pâte en deux pâtons égaux. Façonner chaque pâton en boule. Placer les boules, côte à côte et clé dessous, dans le moule.
Apprêter 3 à 4 heures à 21 °C. Pour vérifier si la pousse est terminée, appuyer délicatement sur la pâte pendant 2 secondes. La pression doit laisser un petit creux quelques secondes puis la pâte doit revenir doucement à sa forme initiale.

La cuisson

Enfourner 10 minutes à 205 °C. Baisser à 190 °C, tourner le moule et faire cuire 20 minutes supplémentaires, défourner, démouler, puis remettre la brioche au four 5 minutes. Laisser la brioche ressuer (rendre son humidité). Consommer dans les 24 heures ou congeler jusqu’à 2 mois.

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Swedish Almond Cake

Another discovery from the NYT

What you need


  • 240g plain flour
  • 200g butter melted
  • 250g sugar
  • 2 large eggs (or 3 medium) 
  • a pinch of salt
  • 160ml whole milk
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon of semolina and plain flour for dusting the baking form


  • 130g butter 
  • 100g sliced almonds
  • 130g sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons plain flour
  • 3 tablespoons whole milk


  • kitchen mixer
  • 2 bowls
  • spring form for the cake
  • 2 sauce pans
  • oven

How you do it

Timing is important for this one. So it is best to have all the ingredients ready before you put the cake in the oven. 
  • for the topping put all the ingredients in one sauce pan and put on the side while preparing the cake base
  • in a small pan melt the butter for the cake base. Just melt it, don't let it turn brown.
  • grease the spring form and dust with flour and semolina 
  • preheat the oven to ca 160C (fan) or 170C (no fan)
  • in one bowl add eggs and sugar. In the 2nd bowl add the other dry ingredients: flour, salt and baking powder. Mix the dry ingredients
  • start whisking the eggs and sugar with a mixer until creamy
  • add vanilla extract and the cinnamon
  • carefully pour in the melted butter and milk, Make sure the butter is not too hot (otherwise the eggs will congeal) 
  • while the mixer is running add the dry ingredients slowly to avoid clumps. 
  • continue mixing until it turns into a smooth, creamy paste
  • pour the paste into the baking form and then into the preheated oven
  • Bake for 30min only!
Next step
  • while the cake base is in the oven put the sauce pan with the topping ingredients (step one above) onto the cooker on medium heat. While stirring continuously, mix the ingredients until they start to thicken. Take off the heat when that happens (the spatula or spoon needs to be able to leave "marks")
  • Just before the 30min expire heat up the toppings gently.
  • After 30min sharp - take the cake out of the oven and close the oven door
  • carefully pour the toppings over the cake and try to spread it evenly
  • put the cake back into the oven for another 15min
  • After 15min turn off the oven, but let the cake in there for another 5 min or so.
  • Take the cake out of the oven
Let the cake cool down for ca 10min. With a knife start to separate the cake very carefully from the pan sides. Don't open the spring (pan sides) too soon. Let it cool down for another 30min or so until it settled.  

Pasta Alla Gin

This was meant to be Pasta Alla Vodka from the NYT. Alas, I didn't have any vodka. but I had some remaining gin in the house. So here it is

What you need

  • penne pasta
  • salt, pepper
  • 1 medium slices onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of paprika powder
  • chilli flakes 1 teaspoon
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • can of tomatoes
  • 180ml gin (or vodka)
  • oregano and parsley - both fresh if possible
  • small pot of (double) cream


  • sauté pan
  • pasta pot

How you do it

  • peel & chop the onion and garlic
  • peel and slice the carrot
  • chop the parsley 
  • put the olive oil in the sauté pan and heat up until very hot 
  • add the onions first and stir for 3-5min. They should get slightly brown
  • add the garlic and carrot slices with the paprika powder and chilli flakes. Stir for another 1-2 min
  • add the gin. It'll bubble vigorously. Let it cook and bind for 2-3 min to reduce the sauce a bit
  • add the tomatoes with their juice. Fill the can with ca 1/3 water and add it to the sauce. Bring to a simmer and let it cook for ca 10min. 
  • add the (double) cream. Heat up until it bubbles then cook for another 5-8 min. The sauce should thicken. 
  • Add the chopped parsley/oregano and cook for another 1-2 min. Season with salt and pepper

Pasta and caramelised onions

What you need

  • half a pack of spaghetti
  • can of tomatoes 
  • 2 onions (or shallots)
  • 1 carrot 
  • garlic clove (but can do without)
  • anchovies 
  • 50ml gin
  • paprika powder - 1 teaspoon
  • fresh parsley
  • oregano
  • 50ml olive oil
  • salt, pepper


  • pot for the pasta
  • cast iron pot for the sauce

How you do it

Start with the sauce
  • peel and cut the onions 
  • slice the carrot
  • cut the bundle of parsley into small slices
  • pour the olive oil into the cast iron pot and heat up
  • put the onions in and cook for 15min on medium heat (they mustn't burn). Stir frequently
  • half way through put the carrots in
  • drain the anchovies and add to the sauce with the paprika powder. stir for ca 3 min
  • add the gin. Cook for ca 3-4 min
  • add the tomatoes and oregano 
  • add salt and pepper to taste. Depending on the anchovies it may not need that much salt
  • cook until the sauce gets a bit thicker, then add the parsley and cook for another 1 min or so
  • Take the pot off the cooker

  • Fill the pasta pot with water and heat up. When it boils add the salt
  • add the spaghetti. Make sure you cook them only as long as recommended on the package (typically 7-9 min). If a range is given take the lowest value
  • save ca 50ml of the pasta water and drain the pasta

  • put the cast iron pot with the sauce back on the cooker and heat up. 
  • when bubbles start to form add the drained pasta and add a little of the saved pasta water to it
  • mix and stir for ca 2-3 min