Saturday, 2 November 2019

Chorizo and Baked Eggs

Based on

What you need

  • 5 tomatoes
  • 1 green, 1 red pepper
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 garlic, 1 red onion
  • 1 carrot, 1 piece of celery
  • 1 ring of chorizo
  • salt, pepper
  • 3 tbsp of olive oil
  • 1 table spoon fennel seeds and paprika powder
  • 2 tbsp or rice wine or sherry


A skillet will do. and an extra bowl

How you do it

  • peel & cut/slice onion, garlic, carrot 
  • wash and slice/cut peppers and celery. Quarter the tomatoes.
  • put 3 table spoons of olive oil in the skillet
  • peel and slice the chorizo. Heat the skillet and add the chorizo slices. Cook for a few minutes, ca 5min, until the slices start becoming crispy
  • take the chorizo slices out, but keep the oil (or most of it) in the skillet
  • add the onions to the skillet and cook until they start turning brown
  • add the carrots and celery bits and cook for a few minutes (2-3)
  • add the garlic, fennel seeds and paprika. mix/stir and cook for a few more minutes (2-3)
  • add the pepper and tomato pieces. Mix and pour in the rice wine/sherry. Cook for 20 - 25 min until the tomatoes getting soft and mushy. 
  • finally, I add the chorizo slices back in. Mix it all
  • make 5 indents and pour in the eggs into each one of them. 
  • Cook until the egg whites are set
Thomasina Miers recommends to serve it with sourdough bread.