What you need
- the whites from at least 3 eggs. In my first attempt I had 6 egg whites left over
- caster sugar 175g for 3 egg whites. I took 200g for 6 egg whites
- a spoon of vanilla essence
- some chocolate powder for sprinkling
- baking/grease proof paper
- baking tray
- mixer
How you do it
- preheat the oven to ca 120C fan or 140C normal
- pour the egg whites into the bowl and start whisking
- while the mixer is beating the egg whites add the caster sugar one teaspoon at a time, so it doesn't form any clumps
- once you got the sugar in add a teaspoon of vanilla essence
- keep whisking until it starts getting thick and creamy (and very white)
- put the baking paper on the tray. and with 2 tablespoons get the egg white out of the bowl and put it onto the baking paper. You can try to shape them if you wish. I just got some blobs onto the paper.
- Make sure you leave room between the blobs.
- put into the preheated oven and bake for 1 1/2 hours. Actually, it's not really baking at that temp rather it's dehydrating the egg white.
- Once the time is up. I leave the tray in the oven and let it cool down naturally. You might want to sprinkle some chocolate over the meringue.