Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Home Made Gnudi

Taken from

What you need

  • 500g ricotta cheese
  • 1 egg
  • yolk from 1 egg
  • 50/75g parmesan freshly grated
  • pinch of salt
  • ground nutmeg, fresh
  • semolina - lots (for covering)


  • sieve
  • mixing bowl
  • bowl for semolina
  • grease free sheets for cover
  • dish for the gnudi's
  • pot for cooking the gnudi's

How you do it

  • put the ricotta cheese into a sieve and let it drain for 30-45min
  • put the ricotta in a mixing bowl. Add the grated parmesan, egg, egg-yolk, nutmeg and salt
  • mix thoroughly
  • put a generous amount of semolina in the other bowl and cover the bottom of the dish with it
  • one by one do the following
    • scoop out a small amount of the cheese mix and roll in your hand. should be roughly the size of a walnut
    • dip and roll the ricotta ball in the semolina bowl until all sides are covered
    • place in the dish
  • when the bottom of the dish is full, cover it with grease free paper and add the semolina covered ricotta balls onto that. And when I say add semolina - i mean 'carpet-bomb' the lot with it. The more it is covered, the better - so it draws moisture out.
  • when done, cover the dish and put in the fridge for 3 days


  • fill a pot of water and bring to the boil. Add a generous amount of salt
  • when boiling add the gnudi's one by one into the hot water, shaking off any excess semolina first
  • keep the heat on a low simmer
  • the dumplings will float to the top when ready

Berry Streusel (Crumble)

A variation on a recipe from the New York Times

What you need


  • a pack of raspberries, blueberries (or boisen berries) strawberries (I would also try apples mixed in)
  • dried fruit 1/2 cup
  • 2-3 tablespoon of sugar
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Crumble (Streusel)

  • 208g all purpose flour
  • 140g white granulated sugar - or 1/2 brown 1/2 white granulated sugar
  • 40g ground almonds 
  • 110-120g soft or melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground coriander (alternatively 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice)
  • you may also add 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger


  • mixing bowl
  • baking form/square

How you do it

First the berries
  • wash and clean the berries. Strawberries should be cut in half or quarters for larger ones. Add to bowl
  • add the dry fruit mix, sugar and cinnamon
  • add the lemon juice
  • gently mix so that fruits get well covered with the added sugar/juice/fruits and cinnamon
  • cover and leave in fridge for a few hours
Then the crumble
  • put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  • if an electric food mixer, set on low speed and mix for a few minutes. The crumble should just about stick together
  • cover the bowl and put in fridge for at least 2-3 hours
Then the baking
  • preheat the oven to ca 180C (or 170C if fan driven)
  • take the fruit mix and put in a baking/oven safe form
  • take the crumble dough out of the fridge and sprinkle the crumbles over the fruit mix
  • put in oven and let it bake for 55min
Goes well with
  • vanilla ice cream
  • swedish cream
  • egg nog